關於計劃 About
「聲.根計劃」(Sound-Roots Project)延續自去年「大耳朵 遊世界」音樂工作坊。 十月的夜晚,空蕩無人的大禮堂廣場,燈火亮起,人潮隨著音樂聚集在此。南印度的節奏、希臘克里特島的里拉琴、伊朗的薩巴鼓韻、以色列「硬蕊猶太」的新銳搖滾樂,顛覆了原先寧靜的夜晚。眾人隨音樂搖擺、拍掌、起舞,耳朵跟著音樂流浪,分享來自不同土壤、氣候、文化與生活型態的音樂故事,聽/看見歌謠裡世界的變化,見證人們與音樂的關係,如何隨著時代與社會遷徙、轉變。
今年秋季,延續「大耳朵 遊世界」的概念,我們策劃了進一步深度對話的場合,在「民歌與社會」的主題之下,引介來自不同社會與文化脈絡的singer-songwriter「唱作人」:日本與泰國的左翼之聲;來自中國西北與臺灣南方,以本土曲調吟唱現代農村的草根樂人;希臘與芬蘭,從老樂器創作新聲音的吟遊人…他們都是從當地說故事傳統中汲取精華,加入個人理念與當代議題,用音樂為社會底層發聲。
除此之外,今年更開設了一系列的創作工作坊「大耳朵 玩音樂」,針對音樂製作、音樂展演、錄音工程、影像與設計等四大主題,邀請國內外優秀的製作人、策展人、錄音工程師與影像設計師,分享他們一路上學習與專業養成的路徑,關注的理念與價值,讓更多元的聲音在校園落地、生根,有興趣進入音樂產業或投入創作的同學,可以找到更豐富、多元的路徑提供參照。
The Sound-Roots Project is returning to NCCU after their music workshop last year called: “Ears Wide Open: Seeing the World through Music. On a chilly autumn evening in October 2012, the once empty main hall at NCCU was suddenly filled with light, music, and a crowd of enthusiastic listeners. Music from around the world, including traditional sounds from southern India, traditional lyra playing from Crete, Iranian percussion music, and “Hardcore Klezmer” contemporary rock music from Israel, filled the auditorium that only briefly before had been completely silent. Audience members danced, clapped, and swayed as the performers shared this musical narrative from countless countries, cultures, climates, and ways of life. Viewers simultaneously witnessed a wonderful expression of the profound relationship between man and music and an exquisite artifact of a world transitioning into unity.
This is precisely what we strive to create-a space for storytelling and story listening.
This fall we plan to continue the conversation that was begun at last year’s “Ears Wide Open: Seeing the World through Music workshop by inviting singer-songwriters of many different cultures to discuss the relationship between folk music and modern society. Visitors will include: left-wing singer-songwriters from Japan and Thailand, performers from Xibei, China and southern Taiwan who sing about rural society in the modern world, and musicians from Finland and Greek who put creative spins on traditional ballads from their hometowns. These performers tell the stories of their hometowns through music, giving multiple perspectives on modern issues. Their music aims to give a voice to people of all origins and backgrounds.
This year’s workshop, “Ears Wide Open: Music at Play addresses musical composition, musical performance, recording projects, video recording, and design. We have invited artists, event planners, sound engineers, and video producers from Taiwan and abroad to share their experience and knowledge on these four main topics. The workshop focuses on theory and values and attempts to enable more musical projects to grow and prosper on campus. If you are interested in entering the music industry or creating music on campus or elsewhere, this is a wonderful opportunity to share knowledge and experience.
Open your ears to the world, sway with the words of the storyteller.