工作坊介紹 Workshop

「大耳朵 玩音樂 Ears Wide Open: Music at Play」
從 9月25日起至12月31日,「大耳朵 玩音樂」匯集了各領域音樂工作者,本土/國際音樂家、製作人、策展人以及聲音、影像專業技術人員,開設20堂創作工作坊,分為「音樂製作、音樂展演、錄音工程、影像與設計」四大主題,精彩的講師陣容,一起來跟著大耳朵玩音樂吧!
This is a workshop series devoted to all aspects of music production, from songwriting and sound engineering to concert production and promotion. There are twenty installments from September 25 to December 31, and each workshop will feature a special guest lecturer.

「大耳朵 遊世界 Ears Wide Open: Seeing the World through Music」
這些創作者來自不同的文化根源,沿襲了古代吟遊詩人「以歌謠說故事」的傳統元素,並進一步結合了美國六〇年代的民歌類型:Singer-songwriter「唱作人」。從 40-50年代的Woody Guthrie、Pete Seeger,到60年代的後浪Bob Dylan、Joan Baez等,這些唱作人在反戰、黑人民權的大時代浪潮下,以歌謠為社會發聲,建立起用音樂介入社會的精神與價值。
This workshop gathers musicians and songwriters from different corners of the world for a discussion on the relationship between folk music and society.
Since the days of traveling bards, minstrels and songsters, traditional folk music of today finds itself in a very different place as a result of modernization brought about by the industrial revolution. The path of the modern singer-songwriter was rooted in the birth of American blues, rural folk songs and music of the labor movement. The music of Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger in the 1940s and 1950s and Bob Dylan and Joan Baez in the 1960s are the most obvious examples of folk songs representing the spirit of the underprivileged classes and the oppressed. Their music was closely intertwined with the major social changes of the time – the protests against the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights Movement – and influenced youth several generations thereafter, creating a new language and a set of values for folk songs around the world.