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「大耳朵 玩音樂」 Ears Wide Open: Music at Play
音樂製作— 傳統與現代如何Fusion?
Fusing Tradition and Modernity
時間 Time:9/25 (三, Wed) 19:00-20:00
地點 Venue:政大藝文中心水岸實驗劇場 
                              Waterfront Experimental Theater of the Art & Culture Center NCCU
音樂家 Musician:Sambasunda 



此工作坊中Samabasunda會分享如何將傳統音樂與現代西方音樂重新fusion,創造獨特的新聲音!團長Ismet Ruchimat是享譽國際的知名作曲家,他所領軍的樂團Sambasunda,以印尼萬隆巽他(Sunda)文化為基礎,90年代末起,將爪哇甘美朗(Gamelan)、峇厘島甘美朗、雅加達流行樂孔蒙、西爪哇Jaipongan,與巴西的森巴(Samba)節奏合一,飆起了印尼跨族群融合樂的風潮。他們將電吉他、電貝斯、小提琴等西方樂器加以運用,以當代西方樂器重新詮釋巽它音樂,創造耳目一新的曲目,風靡全國,頻頻受邀至歐洲巡演。




The first workshop of the series is entitled "Fusing Tradition and Modernity," and covers the topic of how to fuse traditional folk music with modern music with a talk given by Sambasunda's bandleader Ismet Ruchimat. This Indonesian ensemble, which has over a dozen members, will also be on stage to offer performances that demonstrate how traditional folk music can be preserved in modern form while maintaining its integrity.


Sambasunda is one of the most vibrant and representative examples of Indonesia's musical and cultural diversity. Led by composer/multi-instrumentalist Ismet Ruchimat, the 17-piece band hails from Bandung, the bustling capital and cultural centre of Western Java, more commonly known as Sunda. The Sundanese are the second largest ethnic group in Indonesia with their own unique language and culture.


The group updates the lilting sounds of Sundanese gamelan degung and the angklung bamboo instruments by adding elements of Jakarta's kroncong, Sunda's jaipong, Balinese kebyar and the Brazilian rhythm of samba. The classic sounds of the traditional instruments evoke not only past splendour but also the bustling, urban energy of Bandung today: A full sound palette from the deep resonance of the mighty gongs to the silvery eloquence of the suling bamboo flute, complete with a heavyweight percussion section, wild vocal chanting known as senggak and the breathtaking vocal skills of singer Rita Tila.


The result is a mesmerizing mix that manages, strangely, to be both relentlessly exciting and languidly tranquil, full of explosive energy and seductive sweetness. Both reassuringly familiar and daringly innovative at home in Bandung, this dazzling new sound continues to impress audiences wherever they are. 

主辦單位 | 大大樹音樂圖像 Trees Music & Art  

合辦單位 | 政治大學藝文中心 NCCU Art & Culture Center

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