「大耳朵 玩音樂」 Ears Wide Open: Music at Play

創作,從身邊開始 - Deden視覺藝術工作坊
Creativity, starts from your surrounding
Deden’s visual art workshop
時間 Time:10/21&25 (一&五, Mon&Fri) 19:00-21:00
地點 Venue:政大藝文中心藝文走廊
Exhibition Room of the Art & Culture Center
講者 Lecturer:Denden Bulqini 印尼 Indonesia
Deden Bulqini,來自印尼的全才型藝術工作者。他經常受邀於國際間做裝置創作與舞台設計,「竹」與「光」是他擅長的創作媒材,作品呈現亞洲建築與藝術的美學。出身純美術的他,領域橫跨手繪、平面設計、舞台燈光設計、動畫、雕刻、影像創作。他擅長將隨手撿拾來的簡單材料,創造出極具個人特色與美感的作品。在他的手上,啤酒罐可以成為燈光設計的GOBO片,紙箱可以成為裝置藝術的骨架。
Experience of doing something is an act which would have at our disposal and that we would regard as something very valuable in our life is as meaningful experience.
We think that everything is based on something that started with a nominal very expensive, but in my opinion it wrong, we can actually start it than just thinking and find the idea of a very simple thing that is originated from the environment around us, even if it is junk that has been unused and with our help we can make use of the earth to waste worries that soaring, and we can start from there.
Here we share about the experience of working in the arts, whatever it is. from there we can open everything and understand who we are, and where we actually are.
Website and Art:http://bullsproject.weebly.com/