「大耳朵 遊世界」 Ears Wide Open: Seeing the World through Music

聲·根 對話
Sound-Roots Musician Dialogues
時間 Time:10/01 (二, Tue) 19:00-21:30
地點 Venue:政大藝文中心水岸實驗劇場
Waterfront Experimental Theater of the Art & Culture Center NCCU
音樂家 Musician:尤葛斯.瑪諾拉基斯 Giorgos Manolakis 希臘 Greece X
培可·卡比 Pekko Käppi 芬蘭 Finland
尤葛斯.瑪諾拉基斯Giorgos Manolakis | 希臘
出生於克里特島音樂世家的Giorgos Manolakis,從八歲就開始在父親Kostas Manolakis—希臘魯特琴大師的指導下,學習希臘魯特琴(Laouto),布祖基琴(Bouzouki)也是他擅長的演奏樂器之一。Giorgos是今日希臘同輩之中,公認演奏這兩項樂器最傑出的樂人。
他長年與各地傳統音樂大師合作,擁有豐富的演出經驗,是克里特島里拉琴大師Ross Daly長期合作的夥伴。除了精湛純熟的演奏能力之外,他近年開始研究與實驗各種不同聲響:里拉琴、曼陀鈴、吉他和阿富汗Rabab...等。
培可.卡比Pekko Käppi | 芬蘭
Pekko Käppi是芬蘭新一代民謠樂人,他以吟唱和演奏芬蘭卡列利亞古樂器-馬尾琴(Jouhikko),重新詮釋芬蘭古謠。Pekko Käppi於1997年開啟Jouhikko演奏與文化鑽研之路,跟隨芬蘭、愛沙尼亞、瑞典傳統音樂大師學習,並持續參與各類樂團與劇場演出。80年代芬蘭新民謠運動,將芬蘭樂人與民謠創新的多元果實-爵士民謠、流行民謠、實驗民謠等,帶向國際舞台,成為歐洲樂界的經典案例。Pekko Käppi是芬蘭新民謠運動第二代樂人,他們比起第一代樂人更敢於嘗試,勇於將都市生活寫實與精神融入民謠傳統,同時繼續實踐作為民謠人的儉樸,音樂面向與技藝也更為開闊。
Giorgos Manolakis | Greece
Giorgos Manolakis was born in Heraklion , on the island of Crete in 1982. At the age of eight he started studying the laouto under the guidance of his father Kostas Manolakis, who is one of the foremost laouto players of his generation. Six years later, parallel with his studies of the laouto he started practicing the bouzouki under the guidance of various exceptional teachers.
Today Giorgos is considered to be one of the foremost musicians of his generation. He has collaborated with many renowned musicians and composers in concerts as well as in recordings such as Ross Daly,Hainides,Naseer Shamma,Psarantonis,Giorgis Xylouris(Psarogiorgis) and many more…
In the following years he has been studying and experimenting on the boulgari, lyra, mandolin, guitar, baglama, tzoura, saz and Afghan rabab.
Pekko Käppi | Finland
Part of new generation of folk musicians from Finland, Pekko Käppi sings and performs on a traditional instrument, the Jouhikko, a bowed lyre with strings made of horsehair. Pekko is thoroughly rooted in Finnish folk music tradition, having studied at Ala-Könni–institute of Kaustinen and with master players in Finland, Estonia and Sweden. But he is not stuck in the past -- Pekko, along with his peers and contemporaries, were influenced by a folk revival in their country in the 1980s, which saw Finnish artists mixing traditional music with jazz, pop and experimental genres. Pekko's original music balances the spirit of urban life with traditional folk sensibility, and his keen sense of humor helps make this unusual music more accessible and compelling to audiences. Pekko's music has also been described as such: "In his hands the rough sound of weaved horsehair strings are swaying between the foul and lovely – dirty and pure. The old songs of unwritten tradition, timeless and dark stories mediates in his mouth."