「大耳朵 玩音樂」 Ears Wide Open: Music at Play

春天的搖滾傳奇 Spring Scream Festival
Workshop: Spring Scream Festival
時間 Time:12/6 (五, Fri) 19:00-21:00
地點 Venue:政大藝文中心藝文走廊
Art Space of the Art & Culture Center NCCU
Registration limited to 80 persons
講者 Lecturer:Jimi Moe 美國 USA
春天吶喊(Spring Scream Festival)源自1995年,由兩個來自美國,長年定居在台灣Jimi與Wade所創辦,當時台灣社會對「創作樂團」二個字還很陌生,對現在風行的「音樂祭」更是毫無所悉。春天吶喊努力推廣並追求多元的「原創音樂」與「藝術展演」,每年在墾丁地區超過200組國內外樂團表演者輪番演出,成為台灣最悠久、知名度最高、最具規模的國際型音樂藝術展演活動。對二位主辦人Jimi 和 Wade 而言,他們在墾丁地區耕耘十幾年,「春天吶喊」已經不只是一個音樂活動,而是一個一年一度的鉅型有聲藝術作品。即將邁入第二十週年的春吶,這次邀請到創辦人Jimi,於工作坊分享音樂節的創辦歷程,如何透過實際策劃和執行,實現自己的音樂夢。
Jimi Moe,春天吶喊(SpringScream)創辦人之一。Jimi這樣形容自己:我在美國出生,15%的時間在美國,50%在台灣生活,台灣是個好地方。我喜歡音樂,也享受寧靜;也同樣喜歡運動與睡覺,高山與海洋,藝術與科學,紙筆與電腦,類比與數位,家庭與單身,朋友與獨處,教與學,健康料理與創意飲料,以及所有混在一起的顔色。每次我穿上新的白色襯衫,看起來永遠像剛煮完義大利麵的狼狽樣,所以我幾乎都穿深色衣服;我喜歡種花種草,但花更多時間在拔草。目前正在學5種樂器,並欣然接受可能永遠無法專精任何一項的事實。我相信旅程比終點更重要,所以計劃中的事永遠比完成的多。在這個工作坊,我也同時向各位分享與學習。即將邁入春呐的第二十周年,還有更多的回憶與期待在前方...。
Jimi Moe, founder and organizer of Spring Scream since 1995.Born in USA, but only lived there 15% of my life in USA and 50% in Taiwan. This is a great place. I Enjoy music and quiet, exercise and sleep, sea and mountain, art and science, pens and computers, analog and digital, my family and being divorced, friends and being alone, learning and teaching, health food and fancy drinks, and all colors that go together.When I wear a new white shirt, I always seem to cook spaghetti and ruin it so i almost always wear darker colored shirts. I love to garden, but i spend more time pulling weeds than planting vegetables. I am currently learning 5 instruments, and have accepted that I may never be any good at any of them. I do believe the journey is more important than the destination, so start more projects than I finish. I am still improving and plan on learning from all who attend the workshop.This year will be the 20th year of Spring Scream, so there is a lot to remember and a lot to look forward to.
Spring Scream Festival Introduction
Original Spring Scream Festival, 1995