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「大耳朵 遊世界」 Ears Wide Open: Seeing the World through Music
African Music Workshop
時間 Time:10/06 (日, Sun) 11:00-12:00
地點 Venue:臺北國際藝術村2樓游藝廳
                       Recreation Room, Taipei Artist Village 
音樂家 Musicians:卡瑞絲.福索 Kareyce Fotso 喀麥隆 Cameroon



卡瑞絲.福索 Kareyce Fotso | 喀麥隆

年輕的卡瑞絲福索可說是繼馬利的Oumou Sangare之後,有著強烈女性觀點的非洲女唱作人。卡瑞絲出身劇場,直到兩年前因緣參加音樂工作坊,音樂創作與演唱的能量才被完全啟動。她以簡單的吉他和弦伴唱,卻沒有因為器樂上的限制,影響了聲音的多重色彩與豐富表情。




Kareyce Fotso | Cameroon

Kareyce Fotso is a singer-songwriter from Cameroon. Born in the Bamileke region, Kareyce originally studied to be a biochemist, but a passion for singing led her to clubs in Yaounde, Cameroon's capital, where she performed to a warm reception, and eventually in Europe, where has worked in both choral groups and as a solo artist. A regular performer in France and having appeared at WOMAD, Kareyce has emerged as one of Africa's more exciting young performers for her expressive and mature voice, which thrives on traditional African folk melodies with a blues influence.


Her original songs cover topics such as women's rights, environmental conservation and the daily struggles of life in her home country, all carried with a bright outlook and positive energy. But it's not only her intense, emotional vocal delivery and upbeat spirit that keeps her audience engaged. Kareyce's solo performance ranges quiet and contemplative, as she plucks a nylon-string guitar or thumb piano, to exuberant and lively, as she taps out the beat with foot percussion while singing and picking spell-binding lines on the guitar.


主辦單位 | 大大樹音樂圖像 Trees Music & Art  

合辦單位 | 政治大學藝文中心 NCCU Art & Culture Center

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