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「大耳朵 玩音樂」 Ears Wide Open: Music at Play

小兵立大功的音樂節 – Riddu Riđđu Festival 海岸風暴音樂節

Riddu Riđđu Festival, Seasami Identity and Youth Engagement


時間 Time:12/5 (四, Thur) 19:00-21:00
地點 Venue:政大藝文中心藝文走廊  
                  Art Space of the Art & Culture Center NCCU


Registration limited to 80 ‬persons


講者 Lecturer:Karoline Trollvik 挪威 Norway


挪威海岸風暴音樂節(Riddu Riđđu Festival),是世界上極少數以志工組織動員製作的音樂節。這當年由三位年輕人所創辦的音樂節,不僅是挪威原住民族薩米人(Sami)的盛事,也是他們重新建立身份認同,凝聚與發聲的起點。Karoline,挪威薩米族人,從小和家人投身音樂節策劃,是音樂節核心成員;她曾以新生薩米族人身份代表Riddu Riddu到世界各地音樂節觀摩交流。目前就讀社會人類學系研究生的她,正在台灣進行原住民部落文化田野調查,此工作坊將以她的視野與經驗,分享另一種音樂節想像與實踐的路徑。






Riddu Riđđu festival was created in an effort to revive the sea-Sami culture after the Norwegian government attempted to assimilate the indigenous sea-Sami into the Norwegian majority population. A group of youth started to ask questions such as: "Why did they the Norwegian government take away from us the Sami language? Why do we hide our sea-Sami identity and culture? Why are we ashamed of being Sami?" The festival it`s hosted and arranged by local community families in Gaivoudna and extended friends and families. The goal of the festival is to make the local youth proud and conscious of their sea-Same identity and further to bring forward both Sami culture in general and that of other indigenous peoples. It is an important social institution for the families that are engaged as it enforces a sense of communal responsibility in that it attracts migrated youth back to the village for work and planning weeks in advance before the festival days.



Riddu Riddu Festival Introduction

Riddu Riddu Festival Official Page








主辦單位 | 大大樹音樂圖像 Trees Music & Art  

合辦單位 | 政治大學藝文中心 NCCU Art & Culture Center

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