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「大耳朵 玩音樂」 Ears Wide Open: Music at Play
踏出低音的節奏 – 早川徹電貝斯工作坊
Feeling the Bass Step : Toru’s Bass Guitar Workshop
時間 Time:11/14&16 (四&五, Thur&Fri) 19:00-21:00
地點 Venue:政大藝文中心藝文走廊  
                   Exhibition Room of the Art & Culture Center

Registration limited to 15 persons

音樂家 Musician:早川徹 Toru Hayakawa 日本 Japan













The workshop will separate into two parts since there are two days for this workshop.

One is about basic grooving. This can be important for bass player mainly but for other instrumentalist too.

I will talk about playing something simple (like one note per bar) and keep the simple groove going and gradually add more complexity to it and still maintain the basic grooving.

Also I can cover the importance of note duration, using a famous bass line and show the different combinations of note duration,Which will lead to the topic on the expressions and phrasing a bass line. By adding more flavor or put in more expression to a note can make the line more musical and interesting.

And I can talk about the tone of a bass sound and what it does to the whole musical landscape. From hard picking punk rock type of tone to warm finger-picked sound and funk slapping sound or even more dubby low sound, depending on the situation.

The other topic is about improvisation. This can be for any jazz/improv musicians.

I can first improvise something and tell people what the idea behind it is. Just by using simple scale and pick out few notes to make a small motif and develop and build from that. And show the basic ways to develop, like repeating, making space, change location, change rhythm, change pitch (choose one note or transpose whole phrase), play backward, Also I can talk about reacting to other people's playing and responding which involves listening carefully.







主辦單位 | 大大樹音樂圖像 Trees Music & Art  

合辦單位 | 政治大學藝文中心 NCCU Art & Culture Center

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