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「大耳朵 遊世界」 Ears Wide Open: Seeing the World through Music
聲·根 開唱!
Sound-Roots Opening Concert
時間 Time:9/30 (一, Mon) 19:00-20:00
地點 Venue:政大扇形廣場「城市絮語戶外實驗劇場」
                       The Roman Forum: City Chatter at the Outdoor                                            Experimental Theater
音樂家 Musician:五條人 Wu Tiao Ren 中國 China X
                                馬尾樂隊 Jouhiorkesteri 芬蘭 Finland



五條人 Wu Tiao Ren | 中國



馬尾樂隊 Jouhiorkesteri | 芬蘭

馬尾樂隊,他們是世上唯一以「馬尾琴 」(Jouhikko)演奏和創作的樂隊,古老的馬尾琴可溯源至中世紀,芬蘭的馬尾琴以馬鬃為弦,以弓拉奏,吟唱的歌謠內容,主要取材為當地的長篇故事。這個樂器曾流行於芬蘭卡列利亞一帶,至20世紀初陷入寂靜,幾近消逝。團員中的 Rauno Nieminen 是製琴人及改革者,他將塵封於博物館裡馬尾琴重新改造、賦予生命,馬尾樂隊的成員來自80年代芬蘭新民謠運動,他們以古琴、老故事、新聲響,創造無限遼闊的空間與想像。


Wu Tiao Ren | China

Wu Tiao Ren are A-mao and Ren-ke, who come from Haifeng County in China's Guangdong Province. An acoustic guitar/accordion duo, the two young men sing original material in their native Haifeng dialect (a sub-dialect of the Minnan Chinese dialect). Their lyrics speak of the humor and hardship of being a youth in a small Southern Chinese prefecture, expressed in fragmented narratives delivered with a satirical and coldly cruel view. Several themes in their music resonate widely across cultures and nation-states today: the back-and-forth migration between the country and the city; the absurdity and alienation found in modern society. But Wu tiao ren's uniqueness lies in the melodies sung by the duo, which are encapsulated in their local dialect and stand out in direct contrast to the dominance of Mandarin Chinese in popular culture today. The duo, says that being able to sing in their native Haifeng dialect is the "most splendid gift of this life."


Jouhiorkesteri | Finland

The members of Jouhiorkestri, or "The Horse Hair Orchestra," as their group's name indicates, perform on Jouhikkos, which are Finnish bowed lyres strung with horsehair. This quartet's sound has been described as "a swarm of huskily raspy fiddles [...], but with a slithering, edgy pitching." Jouhiorkestri's music sounds both like a big string orchestra and an intimate chamber group. The group's members are all established Finnish folk musicians, who span three difrerent generations of players. Jouhiorkesteri's debut album "Nikodemus" was released in 2008.


About the Jouhikko

The oldest bowed instrument of Europe, the Jouhikko nearly disappeared in the early twentieth century, as it was played by only a handful of musicians living in remote villages in Finland and Estonia. The instrument experienced a revival led by groups such as Jouhiorkestri.


The Jouhikko's distinctive sound derives from the fact that the horsehair-strung strings are stopped with the back of the fingers. Another part of the sound results from an original bowing technique that can create either a subtle or rough ancient groove.




主辦單位 | 大大樹音樂圖像 Trees Music & Art  

合辦單位 | 政治大學藝文中心 NCCU Art & Culture Center

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