「大耳朵 玩音樂」 Ears Wide Open: Music at Play

聲音工程:音樂抵達耳朵之前—如何讓你的樂器更好聽?Helping Musicians Sound Good: Sound Engineering
時間 Time:10/8 (二, Tue) 17:00-19:30
地點 Venue:政大藝文中心視聽館
Audiovisual Theater of the Art & Culture Center NCCU
此工作坊採小班制,開放20個名額 Registration limited to 20 persons
聲音工程師 Sound Engineer:Christoph Stoll 德國 Germany
一個精彩的演出現場,除了演出者表現以外,還有一個不可或缺的重點:觀眾聽到的聲音是什麼?這就是聲音工程師的專業所在。本工作坊邀請到德國資深現場音響工程師Christoph Stoll,他將為工作坊成員建立起基礎的聲音概念,從空間到案例分析,學習在舞台上如何「捕捉」好聲音,並不失原色傳遞給觀眾。以最常見的「吉他」作為示範樂器,工作坊成員可以帶自己的樂器實地練習。
Christoph Stoll,科隆那學院錄音工程畢,長年隨著樂團巡迴全世界,他擔任過歐洲許多知名樂團的現場聲音工程,類型橫跨流行、搖滾、爵士、古典和民謠。他也是德國最大的民謠音樂節TFF, Rudolstadt 指定的現場聲音工程師,2001年起至今長年擔任流浪之歌音樂節的現場音控。
A musician cannot rely on talent alone to give a good performance - how she or he sounds from the stage is equally important. This is where the sound engineer’s role comes into play. In this workshop, Christoph Stoll will cover the basic concepts for capturing good onstage sound. Participants will learn how to deal with different spaces and live music situations. There will be a demonstration on how to set up sound for a guitar, and participants will be given the chance to practice their skills in this hands-on setting.
Christoph Stoll, who hails from Köln, Germany, has been the sound engineer for the Migration Music Festival since it began in 2001. He holds extensive experience as a live sound engineer, and has worked the desk for a long list of well-known performers in all genres from pop, rock and jazz to folk and classical in Europe.